Author: nisha

Summer Classics
For Your Closet, For Your Life

Summer Staples

If you live in the south, you know we have three seasons… fall, winter and straight to SUMMER. There is no such thing as spring in Georgia. I think the only spring thing we have is pollen… no thanks! The good thing is I’m a summer girl!! Being born in […]

Gift Giving
For Events, For Your Life

Show Your Gratitude

Being the host maybe our preferred title but it’s just as fun when you get to be someone’s guest. Our mama’s raised us to never come empty handed to any gathering, and to always thank your host for taking the time and making the effort! It’s absolutely something we have […]

30th Birthday
Decor, For Events

Host Like a Pro!

Hosting friends and family may be our favorite hobby, but we will say, it can be overwhelming and costly when you do it so often. Here are some tips to keep your bank account happy and also WOW your guests while looking like the effortless host juggling it all! Our […]

For Your Table

Healthy Made Easy – 30 Minute Salmon Bowl

Getting out of the holiday eating habits is hard and temptations are everywhere!! (damn you lingering holiday cookies) When you’re juggling a million tasks the last thing you want to do is think about healthy food and cooking. Fret no longer ladies, we got you!! This 30 minute dinner saver […]

For Your Home

Green Therapy

Now that all the holiday decor is stored away, its time to freshen up the space. My favorite way to brighten up the house is to add some green! There are so many house plants to choose from these days and you don’t need a green thumb to keep them alive. Our […]

organize, stationary, 2017
For Your Life, Uncategorized

Today is the Day!

2017 is here and its time to set ourselves up for success!! I’m not here to tell you a secret plan that works, but i do know what has made a difference in my life and maybe these steps can help you stay on track. We all know goals aren’t achieved […]